The Kozmonauts is a NFT collection consisting of 5555 NFTs on deployed on ethereum network. The collection is the first generative art collection within the universe of Exzidia.
How do i buy a Kozmonaut?
Kozmonauts are available on the secondary market on the Opensea marketplace.
What was the MINT price?
The mint price was 0.04 ETH
How do i find the Kozmonauts smart contract?
Contract address: 0x3F20958d3F58aa4f3c14c9350976721A0ACAC440
How do i check the rarity of my Kozmonauts?
Kozmonauts rarity works within it’s own badge ranking system. Though we have partnered with raritysniper.com as our official tool for rarity.
Badge rankings graphic

The Kozmonauts are an elite group of interdimensional explorers and defenders hailing from various corners of the multiverse. They are seasoned travelers, skilled in traversing the cosmic realms and facing the challenges that arise within them. Each Kozmonaut possesses unique abilities and strengths that contribute to their collective mission of maintaining balance and safeguarding the integrity of different dimensions….